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Branching Out Into Bell Trees

  • Saturday, April 06, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online

Presenter: Cheryl McFarlane, ON

Bell Trees are fun to play, are visually spellbinding and make a fantastic addition to existing bell programs. In this introductory workshop, we will cultivate knowledge into the essentials required for ringing a bell tree including: Bell tree options, equipment and alternative solutions, mallet selections, "limbs" and "branches", music, costs, resources and sources, plus various ways bell trees can be used.

About CherylCheryl McFarlane hails from small town Ontario where she has been ringing handbells since 2010. She continues to be an active member in OGEHR and has enjoyed participating in many provincial and foreign events. Cheryl was introduced to bell trees while attending the 2016 HMA National Seminar and immediately became bewitched! This inspired her to start "The Bell Tree Forest" in 2017 which has increased in popularity over the last 7 years. In addition, Cheryl rings in 4 different handbell choirs! This is Cheryl's 1st year on the HMC Board of Directors.  

The link to this FREE workshop will be sent to members Fri, Apr 5.

Please encourage your choir members to join HMC and attend this event.

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