Composition/Arrangement Contest
Handbell Musicians of Canada Composition/Arrangement Contest
Handbell Musicians of Canada holds this annual composition/arrangement contest each year to encourage Canadian composers and arrangers to showcase their talents.
TO ENTER: Write an original composition or arrangement for handbells and/or handchimes following the criteria below and send it to HMC by the May 31 deadline.
- The entrant must be a member in good standing of HMC (if not yet a member, joining is easy at Membership Application)
- The entry should be submitted as printable pages (PDF, for example). An accompanying audio recording is highly recommended (either computer generated or live recording). Permission is granted automatically by the entrant for the adjudicators to make copies of the music for purposes of study or to have a bell choir play through the piece. Those copies will be destroyed as soon as they have been used.
- The entry must not have been published previously nor entered into any other contest from the time the entry is submitted until the date the winners are announced.
- If the entry is an arrangement of a copyrighted piece, proof of permission to arrange must be included with the entry.
- The entrant should enter the piece into the appropriate category (see CATEGORIES below). An entry may only be entered into one category.
- The piece will be adjudicated by multiple anonymous adjudicators, who will not know the identity of the composer/arranger.
- The winning entries (if any) in each category will receive a prize of $200 CAD and the compositions/arrangements will be added to HMCs Canadian Compositions Spreadsheet and featured on the HMC website.
- Winners will be notified by August 31 and the winners will be announced at the HMC Annual General Meeting in the Fall.