Are you afraid to look inside your handbells? Would you like to know how they work? Want some tricks and tips to keep your bells working well & sounding beautiful? Annie will guide you through the basics of Schulmerich and Malmark bell maintenance while sharing some secrets on how to get the best sound out of your instruments. See real examples of problem bells and learn how to adjust or fix them. Bring your interest & questions and allay some of your maintenance fears!
Annie Hergott (BMus, BEd) is a music specialist, ringer, and handbell conductor (5 teams of the Bow River Handbell Musicians Society and Calgary’s Shepherd Bells and Bells Angels), who recognizes the importance of having her teams use instruments that are in excellent condition. Ringing musically is easier with instruments that work!
Since 2014, Annie has serviced all the Calgary Catholic School District handbell & loan program instruments, where she inspects, cleans, repairs, and maintains seventeen sets of handbells (Malmark and Schulmerich) and seventeen sets of Chimes (Malmark, Schulmerich, Suzuki). Through Handbell Connections, Annie also offers maintenance and repair services to organizations throughout Alberta.
Annie enjoys sharing her bell and chime repair knowledge with others through her workshops and presentations.
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